Instant download, safety video or DVD – What is the difference?
Video is the same, no matter what media presents it to you. However we give you the option of two formats – either a hard copy DVD (Digital Video Disc) shipped to you, or an instant safety video download. From the main menu, if you prefer DVD click on "DVDs", if you prefer safety videos you can download instantly, click on "Safety Videos".
In which digital format are the instant download videos?
You will be sent a ZIP file because ALL packages have a lot more than just the video – e.g. Poster, PowerPoint, and other documentation. The video within is supplied in 640x360 pixel MPEG4 format – which has the extension of .mp4. MPEG4 is a high quality compressed video format compatible with PCs, Macs and mobile devices such as iPad. Most TV sets can play these videos too nowadays either directly via USB, HDMI cable, or with media streaming devices such as Google Chromecast or AppleTV.
Where in the world are you?!? is based in Brisbane, Australia and all prices shown are in Australian Dollars (AUD). We can ship regionally formatted Safety Training DVDs (PAL & NTSC) all over the world. BUT we encourage you to choose an Instant Download Safety Video. This will save you both time and money and you will get everything electronically as you would on the equivalent DVD and CD sets.
Are my private details & payment secure on this website?
Yes. We use RAPID SSL on our entire site. Depending on the browser you are using (e.g. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome) a green padlock will appear in the address bar. Additionally, the "http" prefix in the address bar will change to “https” on all browsers. We also use Stripe as our payment gateway provider linked to our Commonwealth Bank of Australia business account and merchant facility. Which means your credit card details are handled by them, and not ever seen by us as the merchant. Read more detail about this here.
Which credit cards do you accept in the checkout?
We accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express cards. All processed securely with 256 bit encryption.
If I buy, what copyright conditions apply?
(a) DVD – You can use as you would any other DVD but you may NOT copy it. DVDs purchased are copy protected. (b) INSTANT DOWNLOADS – May not be copied (except for backup purposes) and can be used on one computer only. Click Here for all the details.
What if I need Instant Download products on intranet, multiple computers or for multiple sites?
Please purchase the appropriate number of units in the shop OR contact us for a discounted quotation. We will produce higher quality custom videos made to your specifications for fast online streaming complete with your branding with a license to use within your company. Don’t risk copyright infringement and your company’s reputation. Our pricing is very reasonable for licensing whether you have 2 or 2,000 worksites. Click Here for all the details.
Do you offer bulk discounts?
If you are purchasing more than 2 copies of any one product, contact us for a special price.
In which currency are the prices shown?
Australian Dollars. Your credit card will be charged in Australian Dollars and your statement will show the converted amount.
What is GST?
All prices are shown EX GST which is an Australian sales tax. If you live in Australia, 10% is added automatically in the shopping cart. If you live outside of Australia, this tax is NOT charged and removed when you select your credit card home country in the checkout.
Do you "produce-to-order" safety training videos and/or corporate videos?
Our core business is providing you with the options found on this website. However if timing and circumstances permit, we are always pleased to accommodate individual requirements. We’re very experienced at this and produce to a high corporate quality. At this point in time, we only accept custom video production work that involves filming in Melbourne, Australia.
Hey the Instant Download video I purchased won’t play!
This occurs almost always when the software on your computer is outdated or is missing modern "codecs". Try a few things first before contacting us suspecting there is something wrong with the file. Try playing it on another computer. Also, make sure your version of Windows Media Player is the most up to date. You will not experience any issues on all Mac devices. We love Mac. We’re Mac nerds.
Can we buy on account?
No. All products must be paid for either by Credit Card on this website or by Direct Bank Transfer (by arrangement) prior to shipping/download.
Do all the products here comply with our Work Safety Laws?
General Work Safety Legislation isn’t all that different wherever you are in the world. For example the piece of legislation shown on the homepage. The products on this website are for general safety, induction and manual handling training and do not address very specific pieces of legislation. Make sure you utilise the free safety videos and free safety powerpoint presentations as well.
What do I get in each package – just a video?
No. All products on this website are full training packages with full guidance empowering you to delegate the training if you need to. They typically include a PowerPoint presentation (often with video embedded), assessments, trainer’s support notes ("cheat sheets") with loads of training delivery ideas, posters, etc. See each individual item in the shop for that package’s specific inclusions.
Something not answered here you need to know? Kindly make your suggestion via our contact page.